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[몽골의 노래] "Naiman Sharag" (여덟마리 갈색말) Se Enkhbayar

잠용(潛蓉) 2017. 7. 27. 08:36

"Naiman Sharag"

(The eight chestnut horses)
작곡/ Se Enkhbayar (a cappellar곡)

노래/ 한국 국립합창단 

가사/ 未備

MADS 4 - 'Naiman Sharag'- Se Enkhbayar

Inchoen City Chorale - 'Naiman Sharag' - 인천시립합창단

여수시립합창단 제69회 정기연주회 3rd stage 'Naiman sharag'

'Naiman Sharag' by the Inner Mongolia Youth Choir 内蒙古蒙古族青年合唱团《八骏赞》

烏達木 - '奔騰的駿馬'

The Eight Chestnut Horses (八骏赞 Mongorian Song)
- World Youth Choir 지휘 윤학원

"Naiman Sharag" The Drake Choir performs
at St. Mary's Church in Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland.

Se Enkhbayar's 'Naiman Sharag' (The Eight Chestnut Horses)
The University Choir performs